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Lola Young: quem é a dona do hit “Messy”?

Lola Young: quem é a dona do hit “Messy”?
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Lola Young é o nome que está explodindo na cena musical britânica! A cantora e compositora inglesa que nasceu em 4 de janeiro de 2001 vem conquistando cada vez mais espaço com seu talento e sua voz marcante. Seu single “Messy” já viralizou e está dando o que falar. Mas afinal, quem é ela?

Nascida em Londres, Lola sempre teve a música como parte da sua vida. Desde pequena, ela já escrevia letras e mostrava seu talento nos palcos locais. Com influências que vão de Amy Winehouse a Lauryn Hill, ela traz um som autêntico e cheio de emoção.

O sucesso com “Messy”

O single “Messy” colocou Lola no radar global. Com uma pegada intensa e uma letra profunda, a música conquistou fãs e críticos. O clipe, cheio de estética alternativa e vibes nostálgicas, só aumentou o buzz em torno da artista.

Letra completa de “Messy” – Lola Young

You know I'm impatient, so why would you
Leave me waiting outside the station
When it was, like, minus four degrees and I
I get what you're saying, I just really don't wanna hear it right now
Can you shut up for, like, once in your life? Listen to me
I took your nice words of advice about
How you think I'm gonna die lucky if I turn thirty-three
Okay, so yeah, I smoke like a chimney
I'm not skinny and I pull a Britney every other week
But cut me some slack, who do you want me to be?

'Cause I'm too messy, and then I'm too fucking clean
You told me: Get a job, then you ask where the hell I've been
And I'm too perfect till I open my big mouth
I want to be me, is that not allowed?

And I'm too clever, and then I'm too fucking dumb
You hate it when I cry unless it's that time of the month
And I'm too perfect till I show you that I'm not
A thousand people I could be for you, and you hate the fucking lot
You hate the fucking lot
You hate the fucking lot
Hey, hey

It's taking you ages, still don't get the hint, I'm not asking for pages
But one text or two would be nice, and please, don't pull those faces
When I've been out working my arse off all day, It's just one bottle of wine or two
But hey, you can't even talk, you smoke weed just to help you sleep
Then why you're out getting stoned at four o'clock?
And then you come home to me and don't say hello
'Cause I got high again and forgot to fold my clothes

'Cause I'm too messy, and then I'm too fucking clean
You told me: Get a job, then you ask where the hell I've been
And I'm too perfect till I open my big mouth
I want to be me, is that not allowed?

And I'm too clever, and then I'm too fucking dumb
You hate it when I cry unless it's that time of the month
And I'm too perfect till I show you that I'm not
A thousand people I could be for you, and you hate the fucking lot
You hate the fucking lot
You hate the fucking lot

Ooh, and I'm too messy, and then I'm too fucking clean
You told me: Get a job, then you ask where the hell I've been
And I'm too perfect till I open my big mouth
I want to be me, is that not allowed?

And I'm too clever, and then I'm too fucking dumb
You hate it when I cry unless it's that time of the month
And I'm too perfect till I show you that I'm not
A thousand people I could be for you, and you hate the fucking lot
You hate the fucking lot
You hate the fucking lot
You hate the fucking lot
You hate the fucking lot

Composição/autores: Lola Y., Conor Dickinson

Messy não é a primeira faixa solo da cantora, confira outras 5 faixas de Lola young que você pode gostar:

Apesar de só estar ganhando grande popularidade agora no mainstream, Lola young já não é uma novata por assim dizer na musica.

1 – Conceited

2 – Flicker Of Light

3 – Big Brown Eyes

4 – Blue (2AM)

5 – Crush



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